葬式 髪型

葬式 髪型





葬式 髪型
"葬式 髪型" ~ bbaz


葬式 (そうしき, sōshiki) is a Japanese funeral ceremony that holds significant cultural importance. It is a time to mourn and pay respects to the deceased. Along with a dignified attire, an appropriate hairstyle is also necessary. The hair is an essential part of the Japanese culture, and the way it is styled can express one's personality, emotion, and social status. In this comparison blog article, we will discuss the different types of 葬式 髪型 (そうしきかみがた, sōshiki kamigata) and their significance.

Kami Age


Kami Age is the most typical 葬式 髪型 worn by Japanese women. It is a simple style achieved by tying the hair up into a bun and pinning it with a hairpin. This style emphasizes elegance and modesty.


Kami Age is a practical hairstyle for funerals. It is easy to do and maintain. However, it lacks variation and creativity that one may expect in other hairstyles. Kami Age is appropriate for those who want to maintain a sober look.



Katsuyama is a formal traditional hairstyle categorized under Nihongami. This style requires elaborate techniques to create a distinct shape. The hair is gathered at the back of the head, twisted into a coil, and tucked underneath, forming a round shape. Additional combs and hairpins in various shapes and colors are used to decorate the hair.


Katsuyama is an intricate and time-consuming hairstyle to create. The result is impressive and sophisticated, making it a suitable choice for high profile funerals. However, it can be challenging to maintain without assistance. Katsuyama displays the highest level of formal elegance, befitting senior figures and aristocrats.

Bun Kamakura


Bun Kamakura is a variation of Katsuyama style, made into a smaller, simpler version. This hairstyle is suitable for less formal funerals, showing respect while not overpowering the ceremony. The hair is arranged into an oval shape at the back, with tendrils draped downwards from the front and tied with ribbon.


Bun Kamakura is perfect for those looking for a timeless yet straightforward look. It is comfortable to wear, easy to maintain, and still conveys refined elegance. Bun Kamakura is the perfect choice for a more relaxed funeral, such as immediate family members or acquaintances.

Tsubushi Shibori


Tsubushi Shibori is a hairstyle created by slightly bunching the hair on the head and tucking it in several places to give it a squeezed appearance. It is a very delicate style, providing a gentle touch to the overall attire.


Tsubushi Shibori is ideal for older women or those looking for a subtler style. It is not very common at funerals but stands out due to its distinctive shape. It portrays a graceful and reserved character, suitable for the somber atmosphere in a memorial service.

Comparison Table

Kami Age Katsuyama Bun Kamakura Tsubushi Shibori
Ease of creation Easy Difficult Easy Moderate
Formality Moderate High Moderate Low
Decoration Minimal Elaborate Ribbon or flower None
Age range All ages Middle to older-aged All ages Older ages
Comfort High Low High High


Japanese 葬式 髪型 holds an essential place in the ceremony's formal attire. The hairstyle's simplicity or complexity expresses the individual's respect towards the deceased and their family. Though choices may vary based on one's age, social status, or relationship with the deceased, each style portrays a profound amity towards the departed.

葬式 髪型

みなさん、今日は私が葬式 髪型について書いた記事を読んでくださりありがとうございます。葬式は故人を偲ぶ大切な儀式であり、適切な髪型を選ぶことはとても大切です。悲しい気持ちの中で葬式準備を進める中で、少しでも参考になったら嬉しいです。




People also ask about 葬式:

  1. 葬式の服装はどうすればいいですか?
  2. 葬式のマナーについて教えてください。
  3. 葬式の花は何が適していますか?


  • 葬式の服装は、黒やグレーなどの暗めの色を選びます。男性はスーツ、女性は黒のドレスやスーツが一般的です。
  • 葬式のマナーとして、故人に対する敬意を示すために静かに参列し、泣きすぎないように気を付けましょう。また、お悔やみの言葉を述べる際には、短くシンプルにまとめることが大切です。
  • 葬式の花は、白い菊や白いカーネーションが一般的です。また、故人が好きだった花や色を選ぶのも良いでしょう。

People also ask about 髪型:

  1. 髪型を変えたいけど、どんな髪型が似合うかわからないです。
  2. 夏に涼しい髪型を教えてください。
  3. 長時間外出するときに崩れにくい髪型はありますか?


  • 髪質や顔の形に合わせて、美容師さんに相談してみましょう。また、インターネットで検索して人気の髪型を参考にするのも良いでしょう。
  • 夏に涼しい髪型として、ショートヘアやアップスタイルがおすすめです。また、バンダナやヘアピンなどの小物を使って、さわやかな印象を演出するのも良いです。
  • 崩れにくい髪型として、ハーフアップやローポニーテール、三つ編みなどがおすすめです。また、ワックスやヘアスプレーを使って固定するのも良いでしょう。

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